Compatibility Based on Zodiac Signs | Star-Crossed Matches – And Who to Avoid

Relationships are a bit more evolved than they were in the past. An important thing for those seeking a partner is their zodiac sign compatibility. Based on several astrological patterns, a person’s character is believed to be shaped by a collection of attributes and core personalities.

Knowing your sign can help you understand yourself better as well as others. There are 12 zodiac signs based on the time of birth, and some pairs are more compatible than others. While this comes in handy to make sense of romantic interests, it’s not a reason to end an otherwise fulfilling relationship.

ARIES | MARCH 21 – APRIL 19 | The Passionate Pioneer

Aries is the first zodiac sign and is known for being energetic, spontaneous, and wanting to be the best. However, they get easily worked up sometimes, especially when they’re not getting enough physical attention.

It’s not easy to keep up with the fierce Aries, but Sagittarius and Leo have a field day doing this. Aries’ strong will inspires them, and it helps unlock their potential. In contrast, Capricorns and Cancerians might struggle because of their more conservative natures.

TAURUS | APRIL 20 – MAY 20 | Devoted Companion

Taureans are known to be romantic yet practical. They love to indulge in luxury through quality fabrics, captivating scents, or flavorful dishes. Their tasteful nature has its advantages in their love lives. They enthrall the Capricorns and Virgos, who admire their eye for the finer things.

But Taureans have a side to them that can be stubborn, which is why they might find themselves in conflict with hard-headed signs like Aquarius and Leo. Compromise and patience are required to maintain relationships with them.

GEMINI | MAY 21 – JUNE 20 | Playful Partner

The Geminis are a magical bunch. If you’re looking for adventure and constant stimulation, they’re all in. Because of their intellect and way with words, they are compatible with Libra and Aquarius, who appreciate their minds. However, the most dynamic relationship that a Gemini can have is with a Saggitarius.

When a Gemini is not at their best, they act on their whims and can be unreliable. Because of this, they have trouble with sensitive Virgo and Pisces.

CANCER | JUNE 21 – JULY 22 | Nurturing Soulmate

Another sensitive bunch is the Cancerians. They need a safe space before they feel comfortable sharing their vulnerabilities. So, intuitive signs like Pisces and Scorpios are great matches for them. Capricorns are less emotional but value a Cancerian’s sensitivity.

On the flip side, the Cancerian’s nature makes them avoid confrontation. This may be the root of the problems they experience with the more direct Aries and Libra.