These HIlarious and Embarrassing Pictures Will Make You Wish Cameras Never Existed
There’s a reason why they say a picture is worth a thousand words. In addition to helping us retain priceless memories and often bringing a smile to our faces, photographs may sometimes catch unexpected events and moments.
There are occasions when a photograph’s background is noticeably more arresting than its subject for reasons the photographer never planned. Please continue reading for photographs of individuals who were unaware of what was happening behind them that is both humorous and a little disturbing!
Hey, Let Me Take A Pic With You Guys
Many of us have had that one friend that seems attached to us, sometimes a little too much. So much so that sometimes they insist on appearing in pictures with us, invited or not. This guy here was just having a nice time with this woman and wanted to commemorate the occasion with a lovely picture.

But instead, all he got was this creepy albeit funny image, and let’s just hope he was thoroughly schooled on the notion of privacy. His eyeballs almost popped out!
Her Mother’s Not Going To Like That
We’ve all done nonsensical things when we think we’re alone and no one’s watching and bathroom pictures were easily one of those. This girl is seemingly engrossed in taking photos in her makeshift studio. So much so that she didn’t notice what we assumed to be her mom behind her.

The confusion on the adult’s face is also amusing, and there will surely be an awkward question-and-answer session between them. Or maybe the mom might give her kid advice on better poses.
Does Your Husband Know About This?
A quick look at this picture and everything seems extremely normal. There’s nothing wrong with a family coming together to take a family picture. Now take a closer, harder look at it, especially at the sofa in the bottom right-hand corner.

It’s a surprise how that individual got there, and it’s an even bigger surprise that the woman did not seem to notice his presence. It might be because he’s such a good hide-and-seek player. Or is it just a creative way to hide a secret visitor?
When The Party’s Over
Who doesn’t love a good party? You get to hang out with all your friends while you all eat and drink to your heart’s content. But, therein lies the problem, not everyone can handle their liquor, and the woman behind these two ladies is proof of that.

Bless that guy’s heart for being a gentleman and trying to help her through it, but from the look on his face, he would rather be doing something else. Maybe something like enjoying his favorite movie while in bed.