Astrology has seen a significant resurgence, attracting millions of users worldwide. Platforms like Co-Star and AstroTalk have made astrology easily accessible to a global audience. Co-Star, based in the U.S., boasts over 30 million users, while AstroTalk connects 40,000 astrologers with 80 million customers across India. Allied Market Research predicts that spending on astrology-related services will increase from $12.8 billion in 2021 to $22.8 billion by 2031. A Harris Poll survey in 2024 revealed that 70% of Americans either “somewhat” or “strongly” believe in astrology. This growing interest stems from various factors, including the decline of organized religion and the pressures of modern life. During the COVID-19 pandemic, searches for "astrology" on Google reached a ten-year...
Food astrology delves into the symbolic connections between planetary energies and the foods we consume. This fascinating system links specific ingredients to celestial bodies, suggesting that certain foods can influence emotions, health, and personal traits. Rooted in ancient traditions, food astrology offers a unique perspective on nutrition by aligning dietary habits with planetary influences. The Moon’s Role in Food Astrology In astrology, the Moon governs emotions, comfort, and nourishment. Lunar foods are often hydrating, soothing, and linked to familial and cultural traditions. Ingredients like cucumbers, melons, milk, and seafood resonate with the Moon’s energy. These foods nurture emotional well-being, making them ideal for cultivating comfort and grounding. If your Moon is in challenging placements like Capricorn...
The Gemini star pattern is one of the most fascinating and recognizable sights in the night sky. Known for its twin-like stars, Castor and Pollux, this celestial marvel has captured the imagination of stargazers for centuries. Whether you are an amateur astronomer or a casual sky-watcher, understanding where to find Gemini, its rich history, and the myths surrounding it can make your stargazing experience unforgettable. Where Is the Gemini Star Pattern? The Gemini star pattern dominates the northern hemisphere's winter sky, making it a seasonal favorite. Covering 514 square degrees, it is the 30th largest constellation, sitting comfortably in the second quadrant of the Northern Hemisphere. Gemini is best seen during clear winter nights, between December...
Pluto in Aquarius is one of the most transformative astrological events of the decade. Beginning on November 19, 2024, Pluto enters Aquarius, where it will remain until 2043. This cosmic shift signifies a collective evolution in technology, societal structures, and ideals of equality. For each zodiac sign, Pluto’s transition into Aquarius impacts a unique area of life, bringing opportunities for transformation and renewal. The Power of Pluto and What It Represents Pluto governs themes of transformation, power, and rebirth. It symbolizes the process of shedding old layers to reveal new potential. Often called the "Lazarus planet," Pluto confronts us with our shadow side, encouraging growth through challenges and introspection. Its influence on the collective psyche profoundly...
In astrology, the 6th house holds a vital role in shaping one's approach to health, work, and daily routines. Positioned in the lower half of the birth chart, this house reveals how individuals manage their physical well-being, organize tasks, and maintain the rhythm of their lives. Governed by the zodiac sign Virgo and ruled by Mercury, the 6th house emphasizes a disciplined approach to balancing life’s necessities. Understanding the 6th House’s Influence on Health The 6th house primarily governs health, focusing on preventive care and maintenance. This area of the chart can reveal specific tendencies toward health concerns, particularly based on the planets residing there. For instance, the presence of Saturn may indicate a need for...
Sun sign astrology is a fascinating aspect of the zodiac that has captured the attention of many people over the years. This intriguing system revolves around the position of the Sun at the time of one’s birth, placing individuals within one of the twelve zodiac signs. Each sign offers unique characteristics and influences, making sun sign astrology an accessible way for many to explore their personalities and predict future trends. What is Sun Sign Astrology? Unlike more complex forms of astrology that consider the positions of multiple celestial bodies, sun sign astrology focuses solely on the Sun’s position. This means that your sun sign is determined by when you were born in relation to the twelve...
4 Intriguing Facts About Space You Should Know
On April 12, 1961, the world watched on in amazement as the USSR launched Yuri Gagarin into space aboard the Vostok 1. He had only been informed of his historic mission some three days before the launch, which was quite dramatic and eventful, to say the least. However, Yuri returned safely to the USSR as a national hero but the space war between the U.S. and the USSR would not end there as both sides would compete to develop aerospace capabilities, artificial satellites, human spaceflights, and human space probes.
Many believe this race ended in a victory for the U.S. when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon in 1969. The Space race also came to an end when both sides shook hands in orbit on July 7, 1975, and since then, a lot has happened, and we know so much more about space. This article shares some intriguing facts you should know about space.

WlsAmy 1006/Pexels | Moons
Only Two Planets in Our Solar System Don’t Have Moons
Usually, planets have at least one moon orbiting around them as satellites but interestingly enough, that is not the case with Mercury and Venus. That comes as a surprise, especially once we consider that our solar system has one hundred and seventy-six (176) confirmed moons with some of them being bigger than Mercury itself.
Venus is The Hottest Planet
You might have learned in the past that the closer a planet is to the sun, the hotter it is on its surface. With this knowledge, we would expect Mercury to be the hottest since it is closest to the sun. However, there are many gases in Venus’ atmosphere, creating a greenhouse effect, ensuring a constant temperature of 864° Fahrenheit (462° Celsius) on the plant’s surface.

Gaspar Zaldo/Pexels | Mountains
The Highest Known Mountain is The “Olympus Mons” on Mars
When we talk about the tallest mountain on earth, we think of Mount Everest with a peak of over 5 miles (8.8km). However, the Olympus Mons on Mars has a peak of over 25km, making it almost three times the height of earth’s tallest mountain. The Olympus Mons is also very expansive, with a width of 120,000 square miles–an area greater than the size of Arizona state.

Alex Andrews/Pexels | Space
A Lightyear is The Distance Light Travels in One Year
When distance is measured in space, it is done in terms of lightyears. One Lightyear is the distance light travels in one year–light travels at a speed of 300,000 km per second or about 186, 411 miles. So, one lightyear is equal to 5,903,026,326,255 miles.